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Smart Business. Better Security.
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Security: A Logical Choice
Most of the time, people purchase alarm systems based on their emotional state. However, I am going to present the logic behind an alarm system.

That way you'll know you are making the right choice to call me and explore your options deeper.
Intrusion Protection
Fire & Smoke Protection
Six Valid Reasons To Own A Security System.
1) Insurance costs go down (and it may even be required by your carrier.)
2) Protect against a liability claim.
3) Extra fire protection.
4) Maintain a professional appearance – Security systems give customers peace of mind.
5) Deter crime—including shoplifting.
6) Inform emergency response teams as soon as an issue occurs.
Just One More...
The average dollar loss per burglary in Canada is $4,364. That amount far exceeds the cost of a basic security system, and doesn’t include the emotional damage a break-in causes to you. When you add your (the victim’s) losses along with criminal justice expenditures, a typical home burglary is estimated to cost nearly $20,000. Business burglaries far exceed even that.
Keep the bad guys away.
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